
Environmentalist: Baby NinJa

Mummy picked up my first ever set of diapers from the Post Office! I was excited! (So was Daddy, I could tell!)

I'm a green baby and I wanted cloth nappies so we got some MCNs - Modern Cloth Nappies. Mummy and Daddy saw some at the Baby Expo that they went to and got me a starter set of Pea Pods. Mind you, that set will probably last me a day! But at least I'm not going to be au naturale!

Aunty Jocelyn gave some suggestions too and I know that Mummy's thinking of getting another set so maybe, I'll be getting an addition to my wardrobe! Yeay! I can't wait...


bee of ninjas said...

I wanted to use cloth too but I was a wimp and opted for eco disposable instead. A tad more expensive but at least I feel a bit better knowing they are bio-degradable.

You better have a big wardrobe as there be some hand me downs heading your way ;-)

binx said...

we thought of using the cloth diapers too at first... but the thought of having to wash it every single day was very daunting..

so we ended up using the disposable ones instead..

good luck!

izso said...

Cloth nappies (those insert types) don't hold a lot of water. Sydney uses about 6 a day at her age now. When she was younger she used to pee even more.

So I really doubt one starter pack will be enough for a day.

Maggie said...

good choice! :)

my colleague uses the same for her lil babes, and she finds it convenient and inexpensive (in the long run).

NinJaMoo said...

Bee: I haven't heard of eco disposable! Must go have a look...and that's really sweet of you!!! Thank you!!!

Binx: Surely it can't be that bad putting the diapers in the washing machine? That's what the instructions say...hmmmm....

NinJaMoo said...

izso: That's why we're getting more! We have 10 at the moment (which should last a day) and getting another dozen or so...then we'll be good...*cross fingers*.

mags: Which one does your colleague use? Doing research at the moment ;P