
Bucket Head (The Second)

My poor puppy...


izso said...

what happened to the dog? I don't see any infections in the pic. And at that size, I don't think she qualifies as a puppy anymore...

Anonymous said...

That's what they get for chewing on your wedding teddy eh? Mommy's angry... :D :D

izchan said...

thats a puppy?

afraid to see it when its a dog.

Minah Melayu said...

he he he... love seeing dogs and cats with cone around their necks... especailly when they are looking out of the window... looks like a suction and a body attached, no head! hmmm... could you at least picture it? i'm crap at expalining things that's going on in my head!

flying bee

Maggie said...

i agree with izso... i don't see any infection either. :p

Anonymous said...

Gosh! Mummy did quite a bashing, huh?

NinJaMoo said...

izso: Desexing...nuff said?

naz: Wrong puppy - Sam chewed my teddy!!!

izchan: She's 6 months. I don't think she's going to grow very much more...

NinJaMoo said...

bee bee: hehehe...that's funny! I never thought of it that way...

maggie: Desexing...;P Poor puppy...

Danny: I did no such thing...! Hrmph!

Lady Gargle said...

Awwwwwwwwww so kesian but so cute at the same time :)

NinJaMoo said...

frankensteina: What to do? Had to be done...