

Sam chewed my wedding teddy bear...it's now RIPped to pieces...*sigh*...*bigger sigh*...*even BIGGER sigh*...

What am I to do with her?!?!?!!!


Minah Melayu said...


buy her a new toy? maybe she was just looking for something new to play with...

izso said...

A female dog called SAM? Uh..

And you gotta discipline the dog. Otherwise she'll never learn what can be chewed on and what can't.

FairyGodmother said...

well, i know it is err a bit too cruel, but you have to 'babap' her buttocks!

so that she knows she cannot do that.

but don't hit her too hard. just a light smack and a stern face and voice, so that she knows you mean business.

sigh. you are one of us mommies now.