
Sydney, here I come...

All my bags are packed, am I ready to go?
I'm sitting here, I'm on the floor,
I'd hate to ring you up to say goodbye...

But traffic's peaking, just hear those horns,
No taxi's waiting, their strike's still on,
Already I'm so tired I could cry...

So kiss me and comfort me,
Tell me that you'll fly with me,
Hold me coz' I don't want to let go...

Cause I'm boarding on a jet plane,
I don't know if checks were done again,
I'm scared the engine just might blow...

On the news today, a plane went down,
From Perth to Sydney, not safe not sound,
I heard the smoke was coming out in rings...

So before I fly, I think of you,
And I think of smoke and firetrucks too,
& engine failure, maybe in the wings...

So kiss me and comfort me,
Tell me that you'll fly with me,
Hold me coz' I don't want to let go...

Cause I'm boarding on a jet plane,
I don't know if checks were done again,
I'm scared the engine just might blow...

Now the time has come for me to leave you,
One more time, oh let me kiss you,
I'll close my eyes and I'll be on my way...


izso said...

For work or for pleasure?

Minah Melayu said...


FairyGodmother said...


dont sound so morbid! (that is usually my job)

for people like me in the aviation industry, all these are a definite NO-NO

pray that everything is safe

(wacko lah you, can comeup with the lyrics!)

izchan said...

Damn ... I sang the whole song with your lyrics.

You have talent babe.

pure, undiluted vision.

NinJaMoo said...

izso: work...

yati: what holiday? ;P

NinJaMoo said...

fairygodmother: my boss left 2 days before me and her pilot smelt smoke from the cockpit. she landed at sydney airport with firetrucks waiting etc. kinda scary!!!

izchan: thanks ;)

izso said...

Work? The husband gonna remain in Perth or move with the cow?

Anonymous said...

move to pastures anew.. the grass is always greener on the other side

NinJaMoo said...

izso: Went for a Risk Council meeting - not going to Sydney permanently!!!

naz: Sometimes, the grass is synthetic =P