
To blog or not to blog...

That was the question...
For the last couple of weeks, I was in a funk (for want of a better word). Stuff had happened that didn't go my way. Work wasn't going well, everything outside work wasn't happening either and I was bored and wanting to be back in Malaysia. It was home sickness mixed with work angst mixed with pre-pre-middle age crisis (I am still young after all! *grin*).
Everytime I thought "Maybe I'll just blog about it", I stopped and asked myself..."Should I? Should I really blog about it?" And everytime I came back to the same answer..."Maybe later" and consumed another book (never realised that Garth Nix and Torey Hayden were such compelling storytellers).
But then some stuff happened in the past week that made me realise life isn't as bad as I made myself believe. I'm alive. That's enough reason to be happy. And I wasn't going to be hypocritical and complain...not much point. No one wants to listen to my rants and ravings...least of all me!
So I'm back and living life and loving the fact that I can shop for lacy underwear and have a husband who appreciates that ;) *grin* Now, where's that credit card of mine? Retail therapy is a wonderful thing!
p/s - Happy Birthday Zhapfire & ExtraPale!!!


izso said...

I think the credit card is one of the main causes for headaches. When the bill comes that is.

And lacy undies is always a good thing to buy! Oooga

johnybravo said...

which husband wont appreciate his wife wearing lacy underwears?

pugly said...

Ooooh ... the evils of credit card ... the serpent of temptations ... have fun, but go easy on it, will ya? Don't want you to be miserable and broke! XP

More reasons for you to be grateful for:

a) Your great friends.
b) Your lovely hubby.
c) Your beloved family.
d) Your sparkling, beautiful, intelligent self.

And this, I'll throw in for good measure, so that you'll feel a whole lot better:


Hang in there, squirt! :-)

Anonymous said...

Made me feel better reading this. I've been feeling down for a few days, cos wifey miscarried. Fetus had no heartbeat. Sigh... I guess it's better to kena this at 11 weeks than at 8 months. Anyway, there's never a reason to feel blue for more than a few days. Things will always look better after a good night's sleep. Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Not forgetting, that lacy underwear will make anyone feel better. Especially the husband. Lucky git! Hehe

pugly said...

Hi Naz, I'm so sorry to hear about your lost baby ...

There'll be other, you'll see.

Hang in, there - keep up the (cheeky) spirit :-)

NinJaMoo said...

Naz: Oh no! Really? Sorry to hear that...*hugs for you both* I was looking forward to seeing No. 2 when I got back! But I'm sure God had a reason for that to happen.

Gang: I work in a bank...I've seen what headaches credit cards can cause. It's all good...and I'll be back in Feb next year. WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!

izso said...

Naz : Sorry to hear about it man! Hmm.

Moo : You work in a bank... and you have credit cards. I'm beginning to see the ultimate picture here.. muahahaha. And... SQUIRT?

NinJaMoo said...

Izo: Squirt? Huh?

izso said...

pugly called u a squirt.

pugly said...

`Squirt' is a term of endearment reserved only for my closest mates - not to be taken in its original context - kinda like `bitch' :-)

NinJaMoo said...

Izso: You must be jealous she didn't call you a squirt ;)

Pugly: Bitch? Or Biarch? (Gawd, how do you spell it?)

pugly said...

Bitch ke, biatch ke, anything also can :-)

izso said...

cow : uh.. why would I want to be called a squirt? I'm quite the opposite now :) *patpat stomach*

NinJaMoo said...

Izso: Rrrright...so..*pat pat stomach* so Izsopregnant? *rotfl*

izso said...


It's called FAT. :P Hehe

NinJaMoo said...

Izso: Hehehehehahhahhahahah!

n.b.: Thanks for the hugs =)