
Musings: Baby NinJa

Baby NinJa wonders...

"If I fart, will the propulsion cause me to spin cartwheels in my watery home?



Maggie said...

Hahaha! :D

Love the new layout, Mummy Cow. ;)

izchan said...

dang ... thats so vivid.

bee of ninjas said...

LOL... just wait til Ninja starts to hiccup!

izso said...

Actually, better hope he/she doesn't. No shit to followup with it either.

A friend of mine laughed like mad during an ultrasound and the baby did a few 360's at the same time. LOL

NinJaMoo said...

Maggie: Thanks =)

Izchan: ;) Funny no?

NinJaMoo said...

Bee: What happens then?

Izso: Hmmm...doesn't the 'shit' so to speak go back through the placenta for the mum to pass out?

izso said...

I don't know. But generally having shit in the womb is a bad thing. So says my doc to my wife when she was 8 months preggers.