
Cramping my style

God made us have pain receptors for our apparent own good. It tells us if water is boiling hot to prevent us from scalding ourselves. It keeps us from burning our fingers by playing with fire. Our receptors are what make us pass out if the pain is too great to bear. Pain is God's way of saying "That's not good for you, don't do it again".

So why is there an associated pain with a woman's menstrual cycle? Isn't reproduction supposed to be a natural cycle of life and death? What is God trying to warn us - "Caution : Release of fluid out of the body"? If you follow this train of thought, then why is it that men don't experience any pain when they have wet dreams? Sort of the same concept (expulsion of fluid from the body and is part of the reproductive process) and yet, is arguably more pleasurable for the male than for the female of the species.

Why is this so? Have we gotten the raw end of the deal? Not only do we have to deal with this bloody encounter, we also have to carry additional weight around for 9 months (at the very least) and suffer through the process of bringing a child into the world through an opening that's supposed to suddenly be incredibly elastic. Then we have to go through the exercise of breast feeding (which I hear is incredibly painful when the baby starts teething).

So why is it that men don't have to suffer any of this? Where has God written that the bearer of pain be the woman? I swear if I ever find the source of this, I'll definitely bring out my liquid paper and change it to be the man.

But right now, all I can do is whine about it and bring out more chocolate to try and soothe my pain. *sigh* Thank God we have stash of Easter chocolate...now, let's start with the bunny's ears...


izchan said...

me lady friend suffers from these episodes so much that I want to just pamper her with nother but kisses.

But apparently that causes her to be sexually arroused and it hurts even more.


izso said...

Hmm.. painful periods aren't a pleasant thing for the men either. Have you ever seen a cranky woman? Man, emo to the max.

And God didn't make all women the same. May and some women I know don't experience pain when their periods come. They just feel a little discomfort and their hormones go on overdrive. Cranky but minus the pain.

Anonymous said...

All these started when Eve tricked Adam to eat the forbidden apple. You'll have too many Bibles to "liquid paper" :)

pugly said...

& don't forget, it's the woman who feels pain & discomfort during first-time sex, too.

Anonymous said...

Pregnant ah?!?

izso said...

Naz : I don't think so. She's grouching about her period dude.

Pugly : Ah..that's not always the case. It all depends on the 1s time experience and how it's done. :P

Anonymous said...

well, women have it easy with everything else. so it balances out :D

Anonymous said...

never thought of it like that, it does seem unfair doesn't it?
menstrual pain can be managed (it seems), i am no expert, but wifey said epo and fish oils are good, try it?


Syrope said...

take evening primrose oil regularly... it really helps but takes months for the effect to gradually kick in...

Anyway as strange as it sounds, i am envious of you having that monthly pain... I'm so old already and yet my periods are totally irregular.. even my family doc says it's fine for now (cos i am not married) but next time I better go for a checkup to see if there's something wrong with my reproductive system :(

As as the saying goes: the pasture is always greener on the other side.

Maggie said...

Whut... you got spam in your blog again?

FairyGodmother said...


well, in the islamic belief, all that pain don't go unnoticed.

It is our belief that Heaven/Paradise is under the mothers feet (just to show how SPECIAL a mother is)

and that it is the duty of the child to take care of the mothers needs 3 times before addressing the father.

and bout the cramps, it is actually a good excuse to be extra BITCHY!

and get away with it, of course.

Lady Gargle said...

The hot water bottle is my 'best friend' during my painful period time and it's also my best friend during my pregnancy as I need it to soothe by aching back.

Minah Melayu said...

hmmmmm... i'm suffering at the mo! i'm going to go and overdose myself with painkillers!