On a Jet Plane!
Come this Saturday, hubby and I will be on a plane headed back for home...we have yet to pack our suitcases or do anything remotely related to getting ready to going back. All we've done is book our tickets and get our travel insurance. I guess we should get our butts into gear, although I don't see that happening anytime soon. It's looking like another packing frenzy on Saturday morning!
I've been preoccupied these past few days with fulfilling another New Year's resolution. I've just put in 2 applications for 2 various positions at work. I unwittingly fulfilled this resolution for getting another job by volunteering for another role (thus sorta getting a new job)...but I didn't think that it really counted given that all I did was put my hand up and not really do any work.
So I'm crossing my fingers that I successfully get into the interview pool for these positions and have a shot at crossing another goal off my list.
On a side note, given that I'm going to be away (and the modem at my parents' house has recently been through some weather-related trauma), I doubt that there will be a post for a few weeks.
But I'm big on trying to fulfil my resolutions this year so by hook or by crook, it's going to happen somehow *cross fingers and toes and all other body parts*. Wish me luck!