

The Chinese believe that fourteen is an unlucky number. It means 'guaranteed death'. Yet to me, it means so many other things...

Fourteen is the number of days I have to wait until I get paid. I remember when I was in uni, living on 14 days worth of pay and scrimping to make sure that on day 12, I'd have enough money for food to last me another 4 meals. Earning your own moolah makes you appreciate so much more how hard it is to actually earn enough to live a littl'.

Fourteen hours is the longest I can possibly work before my brain starts to go to mush and numbers swim before my eyes. Its funny how we used to be able to pull all nighters to study for exams or finish assignments. I wonder where all my stamina has gone...perhaps my youth has left me for someone younger (!).

Fourteen minutes is how long a good shower lasts. It takes a good 4 and a half minutes to let the hot water kneed all the tension away and drench you completely before you can get any good lather going. Another 4 and a half minutes of rubbing and scrubbing and before you know it, its another round of good, hot water to wash away the day's dirt and all that stress.

Fourteen seconds is how long it takes to change your life. A single kiss could change the course of destiny in those fourteen seconds. And a good kiss, takes about that long for you to completely melt into a puddle of good feelings of lurve and lose yourself in your partner's eyes.

So really, fourteen isn't so bad...dontcha think?


Minah Melayu said...

ooooo... i didn't realise 14 is an unlucky number! will add that to my lottery numbers :-)

Anonymous said...

errrr... the above is beeeeeeeeee!!

have i ever used my other ID on here? bee forgetful!

johnybravo said...

"A single kiss could change the course of destiny in those fourteen seconds."

It also depends who you are kissing, hahaha...

izchan said...

I hate countdowns .. its so damn depressing ...

Dont go moo .... please .... stay ... my heart breaks.

izso said...

"A single kiss could change the course of destiny in those fourteen seconds."

Oh hell yeah. Conception apparently takes less than that! XD

Anonymous said...

"A single kiss could change the course of destiny in those fourteen seconds."

Yeah! It's true. Within the 14 seconds, one will know whether you are gay or straight. Hahahaha.

NinJaMoo said...

bee: yes, you have! hehehee...

johnybravo: true...true...does that mean that you have a story to tell? ;)

izchan: i'm not going anywhere...my blog is tho'...

NinJaMoo said...

izso: does that mean that you're going to be a daddy soon? ;)

danny: i don't think you need a kiss to figure that out!!! ;P