
Work work work...

Can I stop...just for a sec?


I just need to catch my breath.


izso said...

Haven't you heard of ergonomics? Stop every 5 minutes and have a stretch, rest your eyes and shake off the stiffness. Try it.

Anonymous said...

tell me about it! i'm glad it's a three day weekend this week and i'm taking half day today so 3 1/2 day for me!!

can't wait for the summer when the majority of students just disappear...

izchan said...

eat a banana.

NinJaMoo said...

izso: Doesn't have anything to do with ergonomics! I've just got work coming out of my ears!

bee: We have a long weekend this weekend and I can't wait!!! *yeay*

izchan: What would the banana have to offer?